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Enhancing Medical Documentation with DeepScribe's Quality Management Systems

DeepScribe enhances medical documentation through comprehensive quality management systems, including Golden Notes, Development Rates, and Qualitative Evaluations, ensuring accuracy and reliability in AI-generated documentation for healthcare professionals.

When Physician Depression Goes Undetected: How AI Can Help Those Who Suffer Unknowingly

Check how artificial intelligence in healthcare could aid physicians not only patient care but in caring for themselves as well.

You've Been Served: Medical Documentation Downfalls

Medical errors are often due to poor or incomplete patient exam documentation. Learn how AI dramatically improves patient outcomes and lowers provider risk.

You’ve Been Served: How Virtual Medical Scribes Bring Empathy Back to the Exam Room to Reduce Your Risk of Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Our virtual medical scribe eliminates the need to take notes during patient interactions and provides reliable, and quick EHR-ready medical documentation.

Will traditional medical transcription become obsolete?

Will traditional medical transcription become obsolete? Yes. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not by 2030, but, yes — it's an industry that, as constructed, can't keep up with modern clinical demands. Yet at the same time, medical transcription as an element of documentation isn't dying out — far from it. It's evolving. And the future is looking better than ever.

What are Speech-to-Text Medical Solutions?

Speech-to-text medical solutions allow clinicians to step away from the computer and look up from their notepad to engage more intently with the patient.

Carte Blanche and the AI Black Box: Why We Need to Be Talking About Trust and Safety in AI

DeepScribe has always advocated for the importance of developing AI alongside humans. As we transition to a more automated future and AI becomes less reliant on direct human intervention, interpretability and transparency and more important than ever.

Year-End Reflection Stirs Hope for 2023

When urged to reflect on the impact that DeepScribe has on clinicians around the country, cofounders Akilesh Bapu and Matthew Ko allow themselves to peek out of the metaphorical basement for just a moment. They are resolute in what they see. “If you look at the individual joy we bring people,” Ko says. “that’s what this year was about. Because for people like that, the job is finished.”

Takeaways from HLTH 2022: What it really means to build an all-encompassing healthcare solution

To us, "all-encompassing" means revolutionizing healthcare through data. Only by demolishing the silos and centralizing, structuring, labeling and using data, can we deliver sustainable, efficient, and equitable long-term solutions at scale.

Why AI Won't Make Doctors Obsolete

Evolution of knowledge and treatment, and innovation in technology and care means there is an ever changing medical landscape. AI will change the future of healthcare.

What providers are saying about medical transcription services

What users are saying about DeepScribe's ability to automate medical documentation and reduce the documentation load: "DeepScribe has given me back my weekends and has given me back my life."

Realize the full potential of Healthcare AI with DeepScribe

Explore how DeepScribe’s customizable ambient AI platform can help you save time, improve patient care, and maximize revenue.