As an industry, we spend a lot of time talking about physician burnout. Why physicians are burned out, how we can help, what solutions are available to reverse those effects, etc. The reality is that there is a severe consequence to that burnout that we spend considerably less time discussing: physician suicide.

By the Numbers

  • Each year in the U.S., approximately 300-400 physicians die by suicide
  • Physicians face a suicide rate nearly double that of the general population
  • Female physicians in the U.S. experience suicide rates 250-400% higher than females in other professions
  • Medical students struggle with depression rates 15-30% higher than the general population
  • 1 in 2 physicians know a physician who has considered, attempted or died by suicide in their careerWhile physicians across the country spend countless hours caring for the rest of us, many of them are silently struggling. Today, and every day, we at DeepScribe are committed to breaking through that silence.

Below are some resources that we find informative and helpful:

For physicians who need help: Text “SCRUBS” to 741741 or call the Physician Support Line at 1-888-409-0141.

For physicians, leaders, and clinical advocates: Know the 7 Vital Signs. Visit for a host of incredible resources on how to help, how to encourage mental health reflection, and much more.

For the patient in all of us: Share this post, share these resources, visit, and make space for those in your life who may be silently struggling.

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